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Planning to try something unique this time when visiting Thrissur or Guruvayoor?

Want to post pictures of unique and international quality food on Instagram?

Want to show off a picturesque ambience to your friends? 

Well, then you have to visit the Big Bun Theory Thrissur!

The Big Bun Theory Thrissur

Two brothers from Thrissur made this dream-like restaurant into a reality. The rider duo has tried to include many facilities exclusively for the comfort of long distance riders.

When you visit Big Bun Theory Guruvayoor or Puzhakkal, you can experience the bold as well as elegant feeling of an internationally rated restaurant. 

Big Bun Theory is not just one of the hotspots of Thrissur, but of India. The international rated food, as well as the ambiance, will make you feel warmth and comfort in there. 

Branches of Big Bun Theory Thrissur

Big Bun Theory has two branches opened till now in the Thrissur district. Their first venture was opened at Guruvayur. It has been working for more than two years. Their new branch is at Puzhakkal, and it has been working for almost a year. 


Two of the branches with the beautiful space as well as food are a big attraction to youngsters. The restaurant is made by Riders for Riders to enjoy and relax after a long ride. 

Big Bun Theory Thrissur Menu


It is believed that restaurants in Kochi usually serve international quality food items. But Big Bun Theory Guruvayoor and Puzhakkal have changed this concept, for good. 

Big Bun Theory is now compared to the high-end restaurants of Cochin city these days. For the quality of food, variety of Menu, and ambiance, BBT is now one step ahead of any other restaurant. 

Now, the first and foremost menu one needs to order from Big Bun Theory is the Creamy Fries with Chicken. It is the most popular item from their starters. The dish is made with French fries, chicken, and Alfredo sauce. It is not spicy at all, but sweet. 

The next main attraction of the restaurant would be the steaks available here. There aren’t many restaurants which serve steaks in Thrissur. If you order beef steak, mushroom sauce, mashed potato, and garlic bread are also served with it. 

The whole plate looks like it is coming out of a TV program. It looks that beautiful. Even the burger they serve is of different recipes than that we usually get at local restaurants. The particular one we ordered was Chicken Burger with Teriyaki Sauce. 

Teriyaki sauce is something that is sour, sweet and somewhat spicy at the same time. And Big Bun Theory serves just that. The patty is soaked with the sauce and so the burger tastes juicy. 

Big Bun Theory Guruvayoor and Puzhakkal also serve a wide variety of drinks. From smoothies to mojitos, they are famous for their unique drinks. 

Ambience of Big Bun Theory Thrissur


Nobody can explain the true beauty of Big Bun Theory Guruvayoor and Puzhakkal unless they see it themselves.

The branch we visited after Big Bun Theory Guruvayoor was the new one, at Puzhakkal. When you enter the restaurant, you will feel like you are in the middle of nature. The entire space is filled with greenery. 

The main attraction of the place is the hand washing area. To get there, one has to go through a lane of plants. But once we get there, there is a hand like tap waiting for you to wash your hands. You can start filming for your insta stories from there itself. 

Plants can be found all over the restaurant. There is a handcart full of trees there for free for the customers to take. 

The next main attraction of Big Bun Theory is the Riders’ corner. There is a separate room for the long-distance riders to take a rest and to eat the food. 

There is another room with books, games, and other entertaining equipment for the others. The customers can easily enjoy their time, if they are not just there to take pictures. 

The restaurant is a two storied building and the upper floor could be considered as more family friendly. There is nothing other than some tables for four, and people can enjoy their meals at peace. 

Even if you are a shy person, and are not into taking pictures, your hand will be searching for your phone to capture this elegant restaurant. 

Pricing of Big Bun Theory Thrissur

Now, Big Bun Theory is not like your local restaurant, where you can visit, just because you want to. It is a high end restaurant. 

One needs to keep enough money and be prepared for a heavy bill after your visit there. But the quality and the ambience they provide gives you the idea why they charge this much. Also, the food items are unique, and served as a proper gourmet. 

Visit the restaurant once, if you’re a foodie. It’s worth it. Also if you’re a social media influencer, you ought to go there and click so many pictures. 

Since it can be considered as a star rated restaurant, many celebrities come there to enjoy their free time. People from other districts also visit Big Bun Theory after coming across the Instagram posts of others. 

Pricing is a little bit on the heavy side, but not every restaurant can be cheaper. Sometimes you have to pay for the ambience and cleanliness too. And since the food is also nice, it is worth it. 

Parking of Big Bun Theory Thrissur

People like restaurants with good parking facilities. And Big Bun Theory Thrissur serves you just that. The restaurant is really a spacious one. It has so much space for parking vehicles. 

Since the restaurant is made mostly for riders, parking cannot be an issue for Big Bun Theory. A five out of five ratings can be given to this restaurant, just for the parking. 

My Verdict about Big Bun Theory Thrissur


Well, the restaurant is not for everyone. It is for the people who don’t look much into the money they spent, but the quality of the food and mood of the restaurant. 

You can visit here after getting a bonus at your work, or even to treat your friends and family for your promotion. 

For social media influencers, Big Bun Theory is a paradise. They can increase likes and comments for their post, by taking and posting pictures from this aesthetic place. 

People should be carefree sometimes in their life. And Big Bun Theory is just the place for them. Enjoy nature, eat good gourmet, and think nothing… 

Some may even like to dress up once in a while and enjoy the time with their friends and family. Big Bun Theory serves you just that. 

In my opinion, one has to visit and enjoy their food and nature-like ambience once in their lifetime. Big Bun Theory Guruvayoor or Puzhakkal is a must visit place in Thrissur. 

My Kerala Food